1,199 sites of cultural, historical, and scientific significance to humanity have been labelled UNESCO World Heritage Sites with the agreement to maintain and honour. UNESCO World Heritage Journeys compiles stunning photographs, practical information, and travel suggestions for 40 of the most exquisite UNESCO sites on earth. Deep-dive boxes provide insights on, for example, the best time of year to visit, means of transport to reach more remote sites, and advice for getting the most out of your adventure. There will be no shortage of information in this comprehensive compendium, which can be a keepsake post-travel and a guide for the adventures yet to be had! AUTHOR: Elena Luraghi is a travel and lifestyle journalist, author, and collaborator with Italian newspapers, as well as foreign and in-flight magazines. She has been published by DeAgostini, White Star, and National Geographic. Luraghi has also won numerous awards, including by Adutei, Belgium Walloon Tourism Office, Israeli Tourist Office, Malta European Tourism Board, and the USA Award for best travel article in Italy. SELLING POINTS: . On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of UNESCO . In an era of rapid globalisation and climate change, UNESCO, offers a back-to-roots look at historical and cultural cornerstones of humankind . Forty of the most fascinating sites on earth, along with the itinerary, insights, and practical information needed to enjoy them