During a winter storm, a ravenous beast preys upon the people of a remote town and a pipeline construction company. Among them, a predatorial psychopath welcomes a master as cold and dark as his heart. Following a trail of carnage, retired police chief Sam Larsen, along with a hellbent group of men and a corrupt sheriff, desperately try to stop the beast before its contagious hunger spreads to others. A young mother, trapped inside her isolated home with her children, must do everything in her power to survive the night. AUTHOR: Brian Moreland writes a blend of mystery, action-adventure, dark suspense and horror. His books include Tomb of Gods, The Devil's Woods, Blood Sacrifices: Three Horror Novellas, Savage Island and They Stalk the Night. His short stories have appeared in several horror anthologies. An adventure seeker and world traveler, Brian has visited over twenty countries. He enjoys hiking, caving, and exploring new places. He currently lives in North Texas, where he is writing scary books and short stories.