
Small Engine Repair Haynes Techbook 5 HP and Less


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ISBN: 9781850106661 Category: Tags: ,


With a Haynes Techbook, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you can save big with Haynes!, –Step-by-step procedures, –Easy-to-follow photos, –Complete troubleshooting section, –Valuable short cuts, –Color spark plug diagnosis

Additional information

Weight 680 g
Dimensions 216 × 273 mm





216 x 273 mm

Book Type

Paperback / softback


Curt Choate

Author Bio

Haynes Publishing is the worldwide leader in automotive and motorcycle repair, maintenance and customizing manuals. Every manual is written from hand-on experience based on a complete teardown of the machine, which is the step-by-step procedure of dismantling a particular vehicle part-by-part. This is followed by the detailed rebuilding of the model. Hundreds of photos accompany each manual's step-by-step instructions.

Number of Pages


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