Controversial at the time Copernicus' discoveries led to the scientific revolution, and a greater understanding of our place in the universe. Copernicus' pioneering discovery of the heliocentric nature of the solar system is one of the few identifiable moments in history that define the understanding of the nature of all things. Renaissance Natural philosopher Copernicus's great work was the consequence of long observation and resulted in the the first stage of the Scientific Revolution by correctly positing that the earth and other planets of the solar system revolved around the sun. Not only did this promote further study to understand the place of humanity in the world and the universe, it questioned the authority of the organised Christian Church in the West to be the keeper of fundamental truths. Ultimately this would lead to the Enlightenment, and the separation of religion, government and science. The FLAME TREE Foundations series features core publications which together have shaped the cultural landscape of the modern world, with cutting-edge research distilled into pocket guides designed to be both accessible and informative. AUTHOR: The Polish Nicolaus Copernicus (19 February 1473 24 May 1543) was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat, and economist, whose posited that the earth oribited the Sun, and not the way round as had been believed up until then. He started the Scientific Revolution which eventually disconnected the Church from its role as the sole arbiter of all truths.