Historians, art-lovers, and the fashion-conscious will be united in their love of this sumptuous and well-researched history of Mariano Vivanco’s motherland.
Peru by Mariano Vivanco is a once-in-a-lifetime project in which the photographer uses his love of imagery, history, and fashion alike to create a truly remarkable body of work. Vivanco takes readers through a personal journey depicting the history and folklore of his beloved country, Peru, through various photo essays. Vivanco has chosen to tell the story chronologically starting from the first pre-Columbian Inca civilization, Caral. This then passes through Moche, Nazca, where he photographed geo-glyphs from an airplane, to the Chimu civilization leading up to the Inca Empire. The Peruvian jungle served as the inspiration through its mythologies: El Bufeo Colorado, El Chullachaqui, and the Devil of the Red Flora to name a few. Vivanco also explored religious saints, Santa Rosa and San Martin De Porres, as well as rebellion leader Tupac Amaru II and his wife Micaela Bastidas.