"NOBODY ACCIDENTALLY HAPPENS UPON NANTUCKET." Nantucket Summer: Classic American style 30 miles out to sea explores how the island's classic New England nautical style is shaped by its rugged landscape, as well as the sport, art, and lifestyle of its influential and everyday inhabitants. The island's tight-knit community of achievers, dreamers, and dropouts has created an enviable aesthetic that's affected in equal measure by the people, its historic gray-shingle homes and the 14-mile-long island itself, it's wind, sea, and wild landscape. This stunningly photographed book will feature portraits and environmental shots of summer residents and islanders in their homes and leisure pursuits across the island, as well as watercolour illustrations of elements that shape their Nantucket style. AUTHORS: Best-selling author and winner of the Gourmand Cookbook Award (2018), Liza Gershman's work across 13 published books and hundreds of newspaper and magazine stories have enhanced her storytelling abilities. She has an extensive professional background, which includes creative direction, art direction, producing, event production, wardrobe, prop and set styling. Liza's 12th book, Cuban Flavor, has garnered many accolades, and has been touted on CBS, in National Geographic, Travel & Leisure, Budget Travel, NPR, and many additional local and national publications and radio shows. An award-winning journalist and brand strategist who covers culture, design and lifestyle around the world, Carrie Culpepper's passion is reporting on the people, art, and ideas shaping our culture. She is a Contributing Editor for Architectural Digest and has worked for many major media outlets over the last two decades, including House Beautiful, The New York Times and Travel + Leisure. She has written numerous articles about Nantucket. An expert storyteller, Carrie also consults with brands and institutions to develop strategic content and communications. Her work has been recognised by the Public Relations Society of America for excellence and innovation. Recent clients include The Corcoran Group, The Carnegie Corporation and American Express.