A buffet table brimming with delectable offerings for kids who adore getting out and going wild! The line-up allows any intermediate-aged youngster to choose from a variety of hunting, fishing and helicopter stories, plus poems, jokes, and even a cartoon story about a rogue wild boar called Snorter of the Sounds, illustrated by Richard Hoit. There are stories and photos from young Kiwi hunters and fishermen, as well as sketched Did You Know pages on topics like moose and tahr, the man-eating kuri of Ngamoko Mountain, and the mysterious Korotangi.
Each page might be true, mostly true, or totally made up. However, keep an eye out for real-life stories with additional chill(i) that involve danger and close calls. We Shouldn't Be Alive – Shark Attack is one of these. There's POW, a war story, and May Day! May Day! where Kiwi pilot Captain Steve Podjursky flies the third-largest helicopter in the world to fight fires. This story includes real-life photos and a video link to a near-disaster in Greece.
Readers can read as many stories as they like in one sitting and come back for more. As they do, they'll be transported into a world of bravery, fun, knowledge, horror and success. In between, kids can make a bush recipe, try an activity and even learn about natural loo paper!
Get out! Go Wild! offers something for everyone. It inspires kids to read, and once they've finished, you can bet they'll drop their book, get out and go wild!