When you need to be reminded of your
worth; when you need to feel a sense of
belonging, when you need to be loved,
open this book randomly and embrace
the mystery of intuitive guidance.
This beautifully illustrated and designed
book offers simple guidance to help us
find moments of peace and connection
in dark times. It offers a way for us to
bring our focus back to the present
moment and back to ourselves, in small
moments of stillness and reflection.
Be Love helped journalist, producer
and author, Emma Farry, through hard
times. The words emerged through the
COVID-19 pandemic as she grieved the
loss of her brother-in-law and her aunt.
Later, when Emma’s home at Muriwai
Beach was savaged by Cyclone Gabrielle
(and her community lost two heroes and
many homes to unprecedented flooding
and slips) Be Love gave her strength and