BLUE DUCK STATION borders Whanganui National Park and shares its distinctive landscape of jagged peaks and mist-wreathed river valleys. A working sheep and beef farm, Blue Duck is also an outdoor enthusiast’s playground (horse trek, river kayak, bush safari, anyone?) and conservation project, combining traditional farming practices with extensive predator control and tree-planting programmes. The endangered whio (blue duck) is not the only beneficiary of relentless trapping and hunting: pekapeka (native bat), kiwi and a host of native birds have returned as the bush regenerates and pest numbers decline. In Blue Duck Station: The land, the rivers and the people (Bateman Books), Nicola McCloy traces the history of this wild, glorious land, and the resourceful people who paved the way for current owner Dan Steele and his family to make their mark.
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You’ll find the full article in KiaOra’s October issue.